Boost your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A lot points to the fact that Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a good indicator of loyalty. For this reason, many companies have started asking their customers the NPS question: “How likely is it that you will recommend us to a friend, colleague or business associate?”.

A lot of companies spend huge amounts of money on having market research institutes carry out the NPS measurements.

This is how we can help you carry out the NPS measurements

  • Give you the customer feedback technology you need in order to carry out the NPS measurements yourselves
  • Make it possible to measure NPS in relation to customer contact, regardless of whether this is over the phone, via e-mail or a visit to the website
  • Make it possible for you to send out continuous NPS measurements to your customers with a frequency that works for you
  • Make it possible to ask supplementary NPS questions, such as: “Why did you answer the way you did” or: “What should we have done differently?”
NPS issues – and how we can help you

Companies working with NPS experience, to an increasing degree, an issue with the measurements: NPS does not point to how you can improve your score.

Even when you ask the supplementary NPS question, some knowledge is typically lacking. This is because it can be difficult for a customer to give you the concrete, constructive answer you need. This is especially the case with the customers we call ‘passive’ who have responded with a 7-8 on the scale.

By combining recordings of calls and Speech Analytics, you will be able to understand why the customers score the way they do and how you can improve that score.

Business cases:


Understand your ‘detractors’

Record your customer calls and use a filter to find the customers who have responded with a 0-6 on the scale and listen to all the calls you have with them or use Speech Analytics to do the work for you.

You can also use Speech Analytics to understand the reason for the bad customer experiences and which initiatives you need to take to avoid them. .


Understand your ‘promoters’

Record your customer calls and use a filter to find the customers who have responded with a 9-10 on the scale and listen to all the calls you have with them or use Speech Analytics to do the work for you.

You can also use Speech Analytics to help you understand the reason why a customer is an ambassador for you and what it is you do well when you get the good scores.


Understand the ‘passive’ ones

The passive ones are typically the ones there are the most of and also the ones who find it the hardest to explain why they answer the way they do. Record your customer calls and use a filter to find the customers who have responded with a 7-8 on the scale and listen to all the calls you have with the ‘passive’ ones or use Speech Analytics to do the work for you.

You can also use Speech Analytics to understand how the experience of the ‘passive’ ones differentiates itself from your ‘detractors’ and your ‘promoters’.


About Us

We help service-oriented companies and organisations throughout the Nordic countries to optimise and develop their customer experience. At the same time, we help Nordic finance houses and energy companies with telephony and information systems.

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+45 70 26 41 41

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