See dates and details of coming conferences, events and morning briefings, with links for more information and signing up
Speech Analytics – Unlocking the hidden insights of your Customer Interactions | Gothenburg February 5th | 2020
- Free breakfast seminar (part ofthe Customer Loyalty Conference)
- Organizer: Wednesday Relations
- February 5th 2020, from 08.00 to 08.45
- Location: Gothia Towers, Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Axcess Nordic is invited to speak: Speech Analytics – Unlocking the hidden insights of your Customer Interactions
- Introducing Speech Analytics og Automated Quality Management in a Nordic context
- Read more and SIGN UP
Meet Axcess Nordic at Customer Loyality Conference | Gothenburg February 5th | 2020
- Organizer: Wednesday Relations
- February 5th 2020 from 09.00 – 16.45
- Gothia Towers. Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Axcess Nordic is present at the exhibition area. Meet the experts, get a personal demonstration of Speech Analytics, Automated Quality Management etc.
- Read more and SIGN UP
Speech Analytics – Insight in customer experience in a brand new way | CX DAY 2020 | Copenhagen April 20th | 2020
- Organizer: PeopleTeam, Dansk Industri & Wilke
- April 20th, from 12.30
- Axcess Nordic is invited to speak: Speech Analytics – Insight in customer experience in a brand new way
- Location: Industriens Hus
- The Danish organizer writes:
”CX Day 2020 er eventet for dig, der vil inspireres til at skabe bedre kundeoplevelser i din organisation. Programmet er spækket med spændende talere, som alle brænder for den gode kundeoplevelse. De vil lære dig om alt fra at huske mennesket i kontakten med dine kunder, til hvordan du bedst implementerer kunstig intelligens i din serviceoplevelse. Vindere fra tidligere års Kundeserviceaward kommer og deler deres erfaringer, i processen med at forbedre oplevelsen for deres kunder.
Kort sagt, er CX Day 2020 en hel dag i kundeservicens tegn. Vi lover, at du går fra Industriens Hus med ny inspiration i bagagen. Og så er der rig mulighed for at sparre med andre, der ligesom dig, brænder for at levere den bedste service til kunderne.
På CX Day kårer vi også dette års vindere af Kundeserviceawarden 2020, så kom og vær med til at fejre de sejrende – eller deltag selv i Awarden, så det måske er dig, der kan løfte trofæet d. 20. april!
- Read more and SIGN UP (Danish)
About Us
We help service-oriented companies and organisations throughout the Nordic countries to optimise and develop their customer experience. At the same time, we help Nordic finance houses and energy companies with telephony and information systems.
Axcess Nordic A/S
Lautrupvang 6, DK-2750 Ballerup
+45 70 26 41 41
CVR: 34082863
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