About Axcess Nordic
Companies and organisations focus, as never before, on perfecting their service. We help convert their good intentions into efficient and valuable efforts for their customers as well as their company.
Through our partnerships with leading technology producers, we can deliver the solutions and integrate them and thereby ensure that you get value for your money.
We do our very best every day to live up to our own objective to be the best in the Nordic countries at what we do, both technically and when it comes to business consultancy and implementation.
Facts about Axcess Nordic
- Etablished 1998
- Specialists in Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) and Voice of the Customer (VOC) since 2007
- Helps Nordic companies
- Headquarter in Ballerup, Denmark
- Platinum partnership with leading providers of WEM software (Verint and Calabrio)
- Partnerships with local implementing partners in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland
In addition, Axcess Nordic owns TeleFaction.
TeleFaction has since 2001 been a true Customer Feedback pioneer and a renowned brand helping public and private organisations. Approaches like NPS, eNPS, CSAT, CX and EPSI is embedded in the consultancy package from TeleFaction.
TeleFaction is integrating feedback solutions with various production systems, combining collected feedback with relevant background data. Reporting online results via software like Tableau, Salesforce, the reporting portal GEMBA or ad hoc reports – supporting improvement of the customer experience.
Facts about TeleFaction
- Delivering customer feedback solutions in Northern Europe since 2001
- Pioneer within IVR surveys (post call surveys)
- Consultancy within CSAT, NPS, eNPS
- Strong competences in both the tactical and operational level
- Now owned by Axcess Nordic A/S
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About Us
We help service-oriented companies and organisations throughout the Nordic countries to optimise and develop their customer experience. At the same time, we help Nordic finance houses and energy companies with telephony and information systems.
Axcess Nordic A/S
Lautrupvang 6, DK-2750 Ballerup
+45 70 26 41 41
CVR: 34082863
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