Ethical Wall

Verint’s Ethical Wall proactively monitors communications across all channels and communication modes – giving you proactive control of interactions, information exchange and disclosures. Remove the need for “after-the-fact compliance” and close the “compliance gap”.

Axcess Nordic have been working with compliance recording for many years and seen the requirements change and evolve in a way that requires a more proactive approach to ensure that all is actually being safely recorded, with an absolute minimum of downtime. Being proactive about your compliance and preventing compliance issues before they occur, can save you money and headache.


  • Enforce policies on instant messages, phone calls, videos, file transfers and screen recording in your telephony/ collaboration environment.
  • Control the visibility and protect the privacy of your users
  • Proactively control who can talk with whom and when in your organization
  • Granularly control the access levels of external (federated) parties if you are using Skype for Business with external parties.
  • Protect private information to ensure GDPR compliance
  • Automatically block or redact messages when necessary

Business case

Separate market reseachers from the brokering department

Almost all companies have centralized and standardized their collaboration tools for voice, IM and video making the communication internally as good as possible. This presents multiple options for communication across people, teams and departments and therfor multiple options for communications that should never have happened. We can help avoid unwanted communication.

Protect the company from insider trading liabilities

Insider trading is not wanted from any corporations . The behavior and/ or communications that are not desired should be proactively monitored and stopped. By using Ethical wall to enforce policies on collaboration tools, the company can increase their chances to avoid the liabilities that comes with this illegal transaction. Furthermore using content filering tools to avoid data leaks and reports based on content sharing via IM tools, can be of vast value for the companies compliance efforts.

About Us

We help service-oriented companies and organisations throughout the Nordic countries to optimise and develop their customer experience. At the same time, we help Nordic finance houses and energy companies with telephony and information systems.

Axcess Nordic A/S

Lautrupvang 6, DK-2750 Ballerup

+45 70 26 41 41

CVR: 34082863

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