
How can you achieve a situation where you have enough resources at the user’s workstation while you, at the same time, reduce the disadvantages of a locally-placed workstation?

Is the technology nearly ready to go virtual?

Can you use your data centres to deliver data power and then just have a zero-client for the user?

How can you achieve a free seating situation?

At Axcess Nordic, we are ready to use our extensive experience to help you find the answers to these and many other relevant questions.

About Us

We help service-oriented companies and organisations throughout the Nordic countries to optimise and develop their customer experience. At the same time, we help Nordic finance houses and energy companies with telephony and information systems.

Axcess Nordic A/S

Lautrupvang 6, DK-2750 Ballerup

+45 70 26 41 41

CVR: 34082863

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